
3-day wine festival devoted to Greek wine

3-day wine festival devoted to Greek wine

The most popular and reputable wine event in Greece is about to begin more updated than ever before.

Lovers of good wine will have the opportunity to visit the festival and indulge in wine tasting from 120 wineries across Greece. This is the 7th consecutive year that the event is organized, so save the date between the 8th and 10th of February.  

During the festival, the public will be able to see presentations of new wines, try as many wines as they can handle and talk directly to the producers. All-in-all, more than 1.000 different Greek wines are expecting to bewilder you!   

For the first time this year, visitors can also buy a selection of bottled wines on the spot and at special prices due to the festival. This will be possible through the e-sales of the internet wine cellar named ‘’ where buyers can place their orders online and pay at a later date. Upon entrance, all visitors will be handed their personal wine-tasting glass, a specially designed order form, as well as, the collector’s pin with the logo of the festival "Dionysia 2013".

During the festival, the three most known schools of wine tasting in the county of Attica (Athens) will offer free lessons of wine – tasting. You can participate just by showing your 10 euro entrance ticket which is viable for the duration of the festival.

Opening hours: Friday between 16:00 and 22:00, Saturday and Sunday between 11:00 and 20:00

For more information, please visit the festival’s official site.

From: Eleni Nikoloulia

