A brief acquaintance with Arcadian gastronomy
Where could we start from, when it comes to talking about the natural wealth of the county of Arcadia in the Peloponese?
Lake Drakolimni: Discover the myth of dragon’s lake in the region of Epirus
The mythical lake Drakolimni is located in the area of Papigo and at an altitude of more than 2.000 meters, in between the mountain peaks of Lapatos and Ploskos.
Trekking & Rafting sessions in mountainous Arcadia: It is not just extreme...its magic
This weekend we are going trekking and rafting in mountainous Arcadia. Those are just two of the extreme activities provided by Trekking Hellas to those who are ready for some adrenalin pumping!
Kipi village in Zagori: Superiority stemming back from 1431
Kipi village is situated in the area of Zagori and dates hundreds of years back in the history of the region of Epirus in Northern Greece.
Congratulations to the first Greek finisher, Michalis Parmakis, for participating and making it happen
Everybody was there at 9 am sharp for the 30th Athens Classical Marathon on Sunday the 11th of November.
Kapsia village: an escape at the foot of mountain Menalo
Kapsia village is situated at the foot of the northeastern side of mountain Menalo and constitutes one of the most picturesque settlements of the Peloponnese.